Software Framework written in Java based on a XML Metadata Repository. Designed to support easy development of scaleable, highly customized database-centric web applications of arbitrary complexity.
Custom database application often have many things in common. You'll always want to load, modify and store some sort of Business Objects or search for them by entering some of their properties, list them, look at their details etc. In more complex systems like they frequently appear in daily business or scientific applications you'll often have a network (graph) of connected objects, where the connections (paths) between the objects (nodes) are as important as the objects and their properties themself. For example, in a project database you might want to get a list of people who worked on a specific project together with the roles they played in that project.
So our target was to create a software framework which automates as many of this tasks as possible while reducing the developer's work to entering just the data that is specific for a given application. That led us to the approach of using a Metadata Repository, which holds all the schema information about the Business Objects, their connections, the possible search criteria etc. Based on that information many tasks can be abstracted, e. g. generating database tables, loading, modifying, storing of and searching for business objects.
Given that metadata, recurring tasks can be abstracted and separated from the application specific code.
Business Objects (BOs) are the central concept for storing and retrieving data and provide routines to load fields from inherited classes and save incomplete data, which means just the required fields have to be specified. One BO can correspond to several DB tables. Every BO is identified by and Object ID (OID) which is a String containing the class' Short Type and the values of the key field(s), for example wrk:12345.
Here's a JSP snippet which adds a dot to a work's title:
// standard code for every user request Environment env = (Environment)application.getAttribute("env"); String username = (String)session.getAttribute("username"); Locale loc = (Locale)application.getAttribute("locale"); Request req = new Request(env, username, loc); // load String oid = "wrk" + Oid.OID_DELIM + request.getParameter("id"); BO wrk = env.getRepository().createBo(oid, req); wrk.load(); wrk.set("wrk_title", wrk.get("wrk_title") + ".");; req.close();
All functionality of the framework is working on top of an extensible software layer that abstracts the differences in behaviour and syntax of various RDBMS vendors. A small sentence for a major feature!
Based on the metadata defined in the XML-Repository and implemented with a JSP/HTML GUI the framework's search engine allows some brief search words to be translated into complex SQL statements with joins, nested SELECTs and so on.
Search words can be combined with logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), with comparison operators (=, <, > etc.), they may eventually contain a wildcard character (*) and be grouped by parentheses.
Set of Java classes to "page" a result set. Customizable output, variable page length by specifying the number of rows per page, scroll back and forth, to first and last page while being safe of changing result sets.
The framework was designed and developed as a necessarity which arose from the requirements from various database-centric projects we worked on. Because of that, time to spend on additional work like abstraction, research and implementation of the framework on cost of the current project itself was always verrrry short. That's why the software is almost undocumented despite some strategic papers, some micro-how-to's buried in our mailbox archives and the comments in the source code.
Second, while reducing the developer's work to mainly creating the XML Metadata, some of the definitions still are quite verbose and you'll have to have thorough understanding of relational databases, the XML language, the framework and so on. Some kind of GUI to enter the metadata would eliminate most of the quirks and push the framework to a higher level of usability as much less knowledge of the underlying technologies would be necessary to create an application.
Resin Servlet Engine
CUP Parser Generator
JLex Lexical Analyzer Generator
Oracle XML Parser
Microsoft SQL Server
Postgres Open Source DB
More can be easily added.